It Worked For Me - Hot Lunch from Home
My blogger buddy Josi Kilpack over at What is a Sundial in the Shade has started an "It Worked For Me" linked list as "a way for us to share our tricks and tips about home, family, kids, etc." I've shared with several people our little strategy for sending hot lunches to school, and decided this would make a good contribution.
And this time I illustrate with fuzzy pictures.
The first thing I do in the morning is boil water in the teapot. Today's lunch menu is tortellini, so I also started some water in a second pot.
Once the water in the teapot boils, I pour it into our trusty little thermoses - one for each of the girls, and one for me. No need to make lunch twice. Unless lunch is mac and cheese.
Then I make breakfast and heat lunch while the boiling water warms the thermoses. This is also when I nag the sleepyheads.
Yum! Tortellini!
I empty the water and fill the thermoses with the hot food. We usually try to plan our dinners so there are leftovers to use in lunches. We've had mixed results with nuggets and burritos. Soups, stews, and pastas work great, although I have to be careful not to let the soups boil, or they're still too hot to eat at lunch time.
Casseroles all work very well, except for tuna casserole which is never good. Ick! Yuck! Blech!
Then I pack the thermos in with the sides, snacks, utensils, and a bottle of water. Today's menu includes Fritos, sliced apple, fruit snacks, a granola bar, and a sugar cookie with a chocolate chip in the middle, just in case you were wondering.
All in 30 minutes or less. My only fear with this method is that one day I'll accidentally forget to fill the thermoses and send my children to school with nothing but hot water for lunch. But so far, so good.
Share your "It Worked For Me" ideas with Josi. I've learned a lot, and look forward to getting even more good ideas.
And this time I illustrate with fuzzy pictures.
The first thing I do in the morning is boil water in the teapot. Today's lunch menu is tortellini, so I also started some water in a second pot.
Yum! Tortellini!
Then I pack the thermos in with the sides, snacks, utensils, and a bottle of water. Today's menu includes Fritos, sliced apple, fruit snacks, a granola bar, and a sugar cookie with a chocolate chip in the middle, just in case you were wondering.
Share your "It Worked For Me" ideas with Josi. I've learned a lot, and look forward to getting even more good ideas.
It's lunch time and your post made me hungry. I'm gonna go eat now!
teri (& micki, the 2 sisters)