The Liar's Game - Post 500
Here it is - the 500th post here at Fifteen Minutes of Delusion. To celebrate, I'm having a contest. You can find the rules here. Post your guesses on this post.
And now, on to the game.
1. My lunch with Michael Dorn. For several years, I was the Utah Wing Leader for Angel Flight West, a charity flying organization that donates flights in private aircraft for people who need medical attention. Each October, the Wing Leaders would get together with the board of directors in Long Beach, California, for a Wing Leader Planning Day.
The first year I attended, actor and pilot Michael Dorn was on the board. I didn't recognize him at first, but as soon as he spoke, there was no doubt who he was. Kara and I were big Star Trek fans at the time.
Although we didn't have any direct interaction, we sat at the same table during lunch. I was pleased to note that he took the onions off of his sandwich, just like me.
2. My flight with Danny DeVito and Rhea Perlman. One Christmas Kara and I sat several rows behind Danny DeVito and Rhea Perlman and their girls on a flight between (I think) Seattle and L.A. Granted, they were in first class, and we sat in coach, but while we sat at the gate the curtain was open, Danny smiled and waved at all us coach passengers. Rhea just sat in her seat, looking exhausted.
One of their kids had an annoyingly loud electronic toy that was constantly going off, and I felt sorry for the other passengers in first class. It was really, really loud.
3. I got a B in college. Just one - and because of it I said a prayer at graduation rather than give a speech. The sad part of this story is that this B came not from some difficult senior level class, but from Speech Communications 101.
The problem? I forgot to take one of the tests.
See, our teacher gave four big tests throughout the semester, which she put in the testing center for a week. Well, the third test came during a very distracting week that started with my birthday, contained several other exams, and ended with a highly anticipated first date.
So, as I sat with this pretty girl, whom I'd had my eye on for some time, and watched the sunset from the Tantalus lookout above Honolulu, I suddenly remembered the test I was supposed to have taken, but hadn't. And for missing that test, I got my one and only collegiate B.

4. A giant centipede attacked me in my bed. One night, when I was growing up in Hawaii, I awoke with a sharp pain in my shoulder. I went into the bathroom and noticed a large red welt. I told my parents, but my dad said it was probably just a mosquito bite and to go back to bed. But the pain and swelling increased, and as I looked more closely at the bump, I could clearly make out two puncture wounds.
I went back into my room and flipped the sheets down. A giant centipede (no smaller than the one in the picture) streaked along the bed and disappeared between the bed and the wall. I pulled out the bed and searched, but couldn't find the little beastie.
I told my parents what I had seen, and spent the next hour with a half a papaya on my shoulder (it supposedly has enzymes that counteract the venom.) It took several days for the swelling to finally go down.
And those are my four stories. All but one is true. Can you spot the lie?
And now, on to the game.

The first year I attended, actor and pilot Michael Dorn was on the board. I didn't recognize him at first, but as soon as he spoke, there was no doubt who he was. Kara and I were big Star Trek fans at the time.
Although we didn't have any direct interaction, we sat at the same table during lunch. I was pleased to note that he took the onions off of his sandwich, just like me.

One of their kids had an annoyingly loud electronic toy that was constantly going off, and I felt sorry for the other passengers in first class. It was really, really loud.

The problem? I forgot to take one of the tests.
See, our teacher gave four big tests throughout the semester, which she put in the testing center for a week. Well, the third test came during a very distracting week that started with my birthday, contained several other exams, and ended with a highly anticipated first date.
So, as I sat with this pretty girl, whom I'd had my eye on for some time, and watched the sunset from the Tantalus lookout above Honolulu, I suddenly remembered the test I was supposed to have taken, but hadn't. And for missing that test, I got my one and only collegiate B.

4. A giant centipede attacked me in my bed. One night, when I was growing up in Hawaii, I awoke with a sharp pain in my shoulder. I went into the bathroom and noticed a large red welt. I told my parents, but my dad said it was probably just a mosquito bite and to go back to bed. But the pain and swelling increased, and as I looked more closely at the bump, I could clearly make out two puncture wounds.
I went back into my room and flipped the sheets down. A giant centipede (no smaller than the one in the picture) streaked along the bed and disappeared between the bed and the wall. I pulled out the bed and searched, but couldn't find the little beastie.

And those are my four stories. All but one is true. Can you spot the lie?
Okay I'll have to go with the B grade. I just can't see you sluffing off a test. :-) Even over a sunset with a cute girl.
Though I know now that boys DO cry, and I wouldn't believe you...
PS These are all fun stories!!
It would be the third one for me as well.