Clean, Cook, Party
Yesterday was quite full, and at the end I was more tired than I've been in weeks. I started by jumping in to the garage and sorting out the whole thing. OK, maybe only half. But it was the messiest half.
First, I moved everything out into the driveway, then I shop-vacced and rearranged the remaining cabinets I intended to install last spring (2007) but didn't get to. See the last 18 month's worth of posts for my excuses.
Anyway, I got the west half of the garage rearranged, then Kara and I went through the boxes, sorting, pitching, consolidating, and storing. We're getting geared up for a yard sale next month.
This is what the garage looks like now. Not necessarily good, but certainly better.
I only worked on the garage for a few hours in the morning, because last night was a BYU-Hawaii Alumni DFW chapter food fest, and I spent the afternoon making chicken long rice and panipopo, which is sweet rolls in a coconut sauce. Mmm-mmm-mmm.
One batch of roll dough usually gives us 21 large popos - 12 in the big pan, 9 in the smaller one. I decided that I should go manini on the things, and I got 24 of the little guys in the big pan and 16 in the small pan and 9 full size in the other small pan, which didn't go to the party but stayed home. Yes, I know I'm bad. No, I don't care.
Bread of any kind is impossible to rush, so we ended up leaving an hour late. No worries, though. This is Mormon Standard Time + Hawaiian Time, and we arrived just as people lined up for the food. One person noted that the panipopo was the last dish to arrive and the first to disappear. We were the only ones who thought to bring it, and were greeted like heroes who saved the day.
Well, not really. But people were glad to see our food.
Kara decided not to go, because she had been out and about quite a bit during the week, and it was wearing on her. Plus, her friend Cara is staying the weekend with us to avoid aerial pesticide spraying in Dallas, so she had someone to stay here with.
Anna played it safe with the food, and made a bunch of new friends, as she always does. Alyssa stayed close to my side and was willing to try just about everything.
I didn't recognize any of the people there, but soon learned that several were younger siblings of people I knew, and the older alumni had all taken classes from my dad, so there was still plenty to visit about.
This is what the garage looks like now. Not necessarily good, but certainly better.
One batch of roll dough usually gives us 21 large popos - 12 in the big pan, 9 in the smaller one. I decided that I should go manini on the things, and I got 24 of the little guys in the big pan and 16 in the small pan and 9 full size in the other small pan, which didn't go to the party but stayed home. Yes, I know I'm bad. No, I don't care.
Bread of any kind is impossible to rush, so we ended up leaving an hour late. No worries, though. This is Mormon Standard Time + Hawaiian Time, and we arrived just as people lined up for the food. One person noted that the panipopo was the last dish to arrive and the first to disappear. We were the only ones who thought to bring it, and were greeted like heroes who saved the day.
Kara decided not to go, because she had been out and about quite a bit during the week, and it was wearing on her. Plus, her friend Cara is staying the weekend with us to avoid aerial pesticide spraying in Dallas, so she had someone to stay here with.
I didn't recognize any of the people there, but soon learned that several were younger siblings of people I knew, and the older alumni had all taken classes from my dad, so there was still plenty to visit about.