Some Remarkable Progress

Kara got out of the hospital yesterday. With the help of some new enzymes and medications, she has done very well with the liquid nutrition that her doctor has prescribed. She is also eating vegetables and some meats, which is really good news. I was concerned that the kangaroo and yak were just going to sit in the freezer forever.
The goal is to get Kara home. To that end, my mom is here for a few days to help me get things cleaned up and put in order. For example, I still need to finish tile work on the office door, and the Christmas decorations are in boxes that need to return home to the attic. But hopefully it will only be a few more weeks before Kara is home with us again.
I wanted to get a good start on the projects today, but we ended up spending a good chunk of the day with Kara in Dallas.
And may I just say, you're the only person I know who has kangaroo and yak in their freezer? Unless some of my other friends are holding out on me . . .