I made it to Sarasota safe and sound last night, and today was a very productive day at work. The folks I am working with are singing my praises tonight, which is a little unnerving, actually. I've been working hard on this driver for quite a while now, and fortunately everything converged today, and we went from a barely-working-at-all driver to a nearly finished one in a few short hours.
I'm enjoying Sarasota, what little I've been able to see of it. I'm staying at the
Hotel Ranola, which is an old hotel from the '20s recently renovated into a little boutique. I love the stark contrast of modernist decor against the historic architecture. And having one of only nine rooms is quite nice. One of the other guys working on the printer from out of town is staying here, too.

The hotel is not far from the ocean, and we walked down to eat at Marina Jacks. This is what the view from the restaurant looks like. At least, that's what it would have looked like had we gotten there before dark. (sigh)
I'm looking forward to a productive day tomorrow, a good nights sleep tonight, and just a little bit of writing before bed.