Playing the Tag Game
I'm following the instructions on Nicole's site for this whole tag thing. I'm sure I'm doing it all wrong, but that's never stopped me before. My roommate and I once: I worked with a guy who always referred to Kara as my roommate after we were married and living in TVA. I guess this is technically correct. We once went away for the weekend, but left the alarm clock set for 6:00. It was a really loud buzzer that went for over an hour.The neighbors finally found the circuit breaker and cut power to our apartment. Never in my life have I: Been arrested. High school was : So long ago. How did it get to be 20 years? 21 years?!? When I’m nervous : I get quiet. My Hair: Is cut with clippers using the #2 guard every couple of weeks. The shorter my hair is, the less obvious my ever-growing bald spot is. When I was 5 : I had a shirt with a number 5 on it. My sisters had shirts with a 4 and a 3 on them. When I turn my head left : I see much less unfinished work than ...