A Mixed Bag Start to Summer

My grand plans to sleep in an extra hour this morning were thwarted by Kara's doctor visits in Dallas. Although my alarm was set for 6:30, hers was set for 5:30 and once awake, I was up.
Shortly after she left, she called to ask where the oxygen tank wrench was. She uses oxygen when driving, and last night I switched her tank to the one from the new provider. The old tank wrench should have still been in the truck, but she couldn't find it.
So I grabbed the new tank wrench and piled the girls in the car, ready to meet her half way so she could still make her appointment on time. Fortunately the call letting us know Kara had found the wrench came just as I started the car. We ended the fire drill with little spent gas and nothing broken except for Anna's attitude, which is extremely fragile in the morning.

Yesterday's end-of-school party went pretty well. It was extremely tame, but since it involved pizza, ice cream, and games, it counts. While I was at the eye doctor with Alyssa, Anna and Kara made fish from poster board, and we played a fishing game. There was also Uno Attack and Raving Rabbids.