Fireflies and Father's Day

Last night I stood looking out the front window, and saw a quick flash of yellow light across the street. I yelled for the family to come "quickly, quickly, quickly!" They did, and we were privileged to watch several fireflies dance around the house across the street. I suspect the neighbors wondered why we were staring at their house.
We've been in Texas nearly two years now, and that was our first firefly sighting. They seemed to be much more common when Kara and I lived in Austin. Since lightening bugs prefer humidity, the girls never saw them in Utah. Maybe we'll see some again tonight, and possibly even catch one.
That would be a good end to a great Father's Day. My day started with breakfast pizza, and I was given a couple of hand-made felt ties decorated with sticky foam shapes made last week in Primary. I wore both of them to church, as did most dads. I think it was some kind of inhibitions test. It's telling that the Primary President's youngest child just graduated from high school, so her husband wore a normal, "boring" tie today.
Anna set up a series of six additional gifts for me and all of my fatherly roles - Chapstick for all of the kisses I give; Multi-colored pens for the writer in me; Band-Aids for being the family medic; a cheese grater for the family chef; orange malt balls for the kid in me; and a couple of shirts for the "cool guy".
I also got an Alyssa snuggle nap (always a precious treat) and I played ukulele for about an hour.
Of course the highlight of the day was calling my own father and wishing him a Happy Father's Day.
Happy Father's Day, Dad!
I love you!
Our ward did "ties" too. I love seeing the dads wear them.