Baby Cats
Well, it's finally happened. The little black girl cat who shacked up with Tucker is officially a mama kitty now. This afternoon she had 4 little kittens - one black and three calicoes, although one calico is mostly black.
Just what we're going to do with the six cat's living in our garage is still to be determined, but we certainly won't be keeping them all.
Anybody want a cute little kitty?

I received your comment on my blog Living the Lyme Life.
I will go through and read this afternoon after I get home from work.
My LLMD is absolutely wonderful. In fact, he just got awarded some fancy thing and was in a magazine here. I have to find it because I was there the day the photographer was at his office and she photographed ME with my doctor. How awesome is that?
Come back to the blog any time. It's mixed regular life and Lyme life. Sorry that Lyme has affected your family.
Also if you visit my profile, you will see a new blog that was just created called. Praying for Lymies.
Have a blessed day.