Springtime at Sea World
I just realized it's been over a week since I blogged. Well, there's a good reason for this - I've been busy.
The kitchen repair project has taken more than a few hours of my time, and I hope to finish up tomorrow. And of course, no job is done until the blog post is written, so I'll give you the photo tour once it's done.
One reason this week was so busy was because I wanted to take the girls to Sea World again on Saturday. This meant I needed to get everything I would normally do on Saturday done during the week, including the kitchen repairs. It was busy, but I succeeded. Yay, me!
So Saturday morning we got up early and took off for San Antonio at around 6:30 am. It's a 4.5 hour drive, plus potty stops, so we arrived at around 11:15. I could tell already it was going to be a very busy day at the park. It was also much cooler than I expected - Weather.com forecast 75 degrees, and it hit that by the time we left in the afternoon, but the temps when we arrived were in the mid 50's - a bit warm for the heavy coats we wore before leaving, but too cool for the short sleeves I convinced everyone to wear. Oh, well.
While we were eating lunch, my wife called and told me my step-brother and his family were also at Sea World. She read it on his Facebook status. We met up with them and the kids rode a few rides together, then we went off to watch some shows.
Alyssa had some ice cream. She tends to wear as much as she eats.
Anna wanted to sit in the splash zone at the Orca show.
We got a few good shots of the whales swimming by before the show, but I insisted we put the cameras back in the cases and wrap them up tight in the jacket, so they wouldn't get wet.
However, when the show was done, we were just as dry as we were when it started. Maybe next time.
The kitchen repair project has taken more than a few hours of my time, and I hope to finish up tomorrow. And of course, no job is done until the blog post is written, so I'll give you the photo tour once it's done.
One reason this week was so busy was because I wanted to take the girls to Sea World again on Saturday. This meant I needed to get everything I would normally do on Saturday done during the week, including the kitchen repairs. It was busy, but I succeeded. Yay, me!
So Saturday morning we got up early and took off for San Antonio at around 6:30 am. It's a 4.5 hour drive, plus potty stops, so we arrived at around 11:15. I could tell already it was going to be a very busy day at the park. It was also much cooler than I expected - Weather.com forecast 75 degrees, and it hit that by the time we left in the afternoon, but the temps when we arrived were in the mid 50's - a bit warm for the heavy coats we wore before leaving, but too cool for the short sleeves I convinced everyone to wear. Oh, well.
