The Memorial Day Express

Alyssa asked me if she could play trains today. I asked Anna if she would help Alyssa. This is the layout they came up with.

In addition to playing trains, we worked and ran errands and set out the flag and took a dip in a friend's pool

Pizza and ice cream for dinner are especially appropriate on a holiday.

I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day.


I love the train lay-out. I can't show it to my 5 year old. He'll ask if we can go to your house. And if he finds out you live in Texas, he'll think it's possible and I won't hear the end of it. Love the wacky tracks too. He wants those. I do too because sometimes he has me do some impossible layouts and those tracks are so bendy that I could actually do them.
Don said…
The wacky track is essential. Put it on your birthday or Christmas list - whichever comes first.

And know that y'all are welcome to come play trains anytime!

Ever since my 10-year old found out that there's a Sea World in San Antonio, she constantly reminds me "It's only four hours, dad."

Some day...

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