And the Rain Rain Rain Came Down Down Down

Growing up in La'ie, it was not uncommon to have day after day of constant rain - that's just the way it goes.

But I never saw that kind of rain in Utah, and here in Texas it's still pretty rare.

However, that's what the weather has been like for the last couple of days - rain, without a hint of sunshine. Makes me homesick.

The constant, heavy rain made for a very interesting day out running errands yesterday - especially since Alyssa needed new Sunday shoes, so I had her with me for most of my stops. Getting her in and out of the truck, I pretty much had to abandon all hope of staying dry. Fortunately, it's still a fairly warm rain, so it wasn't too bad.

In other news from the week, Anna had her first Young Women's meeting on Wednesday, and she really seemed to enjoy it. She's one of only two Beehives in the ward until December when her friend Claire turns twelve.

I got my book all polished up and ready for the next round of submissions. One publisher wanted the whole manuscript via e-mail, one wanted the first few chapters via snail mail, and one wanted a paper copy of the whole book. Unfortunately, the Post Office is now closed on Saturday, and the automatic postage machine doesn't provide the Media Mail option, and that's the only cost-effective way to send a 3.5 lb book. So that package will have to wait until tomorrow.

With my romantic LDS fiction title out on submission, I'm now ready to turn my attention back to my science fiction novel - and just in time to start attending a new science fiction writer's group. Anna and I went to our first meeting last night. You can read about it and the rest of my writing adventure on my writing blog at 90kwordsofdelusion.


Josi said…
Ooo, I love tropical rain. Sounds like a perfect day, well, except the errands part. I prefer to stay home when it's rainy, but rarely do. Way to go on the book, I'm rooting for you!

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