5K in Cowtown
Yesterday was the big Cowtown 5K race in Fort Worth. They had a marathon and some other races too, but we only really noticed those when our path to race parking was cut off by roadblocks, and we had to find an alternate route to our alternate route.
We rode the shuttle from remote parking to the race start. I think I need longer arms if I want to successfully shoot the whole team.
While it was a sunny day destined for the 60's, the morning was quite cold, and the tall downtown buildings both blocked the sun and channeled a strong, biting wind. We did our best to get warmed up before the race.
We started out near the back of the pack, and never really moved up. We ran some at first, but ended up walking most of the course. Anna met up with some friends about a mile in, gave up her sore feet complaints and ran off with them. Alyssa made it more than two miles before she ended up on my shoulders.
Anna finished the course in 1:00:15, and Alyssa and I were a few minutes behind her. I made her run the last twenty yards or so, just as a matter of principal.
I used to run quite a bit a number of years ago, and it was nice to do a 5K again, even though I nearly tripled my best time. I figure it's only to be expected, carrying an extra 100 pounds through the course (70 of Alyssa's, 30 of mine).
While it was a sunny day destined for the 60's, the morning was quite cold, and the tall downtown buildings both blocked the sun and channeled a strong, biting wind. We did our best to get warmed up before the race.
Anna finished the course in 1:00:15, and Alyssa and I were a few minutes behind her. I made her run the last twenty yards or so, just as a matter of principal.
It's funny to me that Anna complained until she was able to meet up with frinds...:) Typical, huh? And Alyssa needed to be on your shoulders...sounds all too familar.
I used to go running with my daddy when I was about Anna's age. It was just to be close with him- I never really liked it. As a freshman I ran track and hated it and have never been a runner since! If I'm at the gym and decide to run instead of walk the balcony that looks over the basketball court it's because I've been hit with a deranged baseball bat or I'm in a hurry. haha Ok- I will run SOMETIMES but that doesn't mean I have to like it. I wish I could get on someone's shoulders when I whine. ;)