Pi Day Weekly Update - 3.14
Happy Pi day everyone. It's been a busy couple of weeks. I don't even remember half of what happened. Good thing I keep a digital calendar. Let's see now...
Since our last update, Alyssa has had a partial MRI of her jaw, which was ordered by her orthodontist. We meet with him tomorrow to figure out what it all means, but there are some teeth in places I'm not excited about - like horizontal near her sinus. Hmmm.
I don't have any update on my book yet - still waiting for a publication date and a title. I've been working on a book video during the time I was supposed to be writing. I think I have a good idea, but the actual execution is going to need a lot more work. And a title and release date.
I turned 42 this week which, according to Douglas Adams and his Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series, is the answer to the great question of Life, the Universe and Everything. Sadly, I don't feel nearly so enlightened as just older. I'll let you know if that changes.
For my birthday, Kara made me a lemon meringue pie. Can I just say - Yum-m-ee!
Last week, Alyssa had different dress-up days at school. On Friday, it was Famous Person day. I had no clue, so I sent a request out to facebook and the twitosphere, and got some pretty good suggestions. The one that fit both Alyssa's face and wardrobe was Eleanor Roosevelt. Thanks for the suggestion, Josi!
Today was Stake Conference, and Anna and I got drafted to be in the choir. Actually I got drafted, and volunteered my daughter. I told Alyssa that if there were enough seats with the choir she could sit by me, but if not she would need to sit with some friends. Well, it turns out there were plenty of choir seats left, but she was determined to sit with friends. We found a 14-year old she had bonded with, and she did great sitting with their family. She's good for others, after all.
Spring Break is this week, and it's packed! In addition to the orthodontist visit for Alyssa, Anna has a sleep-over tomorrow night. Then Tuesday I'm taking the girls to Dallas in the evening, using some birthday money to buy dinner, and then we'll head to the mall where they have an Apple Store and a Lego Store.
Wednesday night is Young Women and Activity Days for the girls. Thursday night both girls have been invited to a large backyard campout. Then it's Friday, and the week is over.
I'll let you know if I survive.
Oh, one other thing: I've been asked to participate in a group blog with a bunch of other Cedar Fort authors on the Writing Fortress. I'll be posting the third Monday of every month, and my first post is tomorrow. Check it out at http://cedarfortauthors.blogspot.com/.
That is all.
Since our last update, Alyssa has had a partial MRI of her jaw, which was ordered by her orthodontist. We meet with him tomorrow to figure out what it all means, but there are some teeth in places I'm not excited about - like horizontal near her sinus. Hmmm.
I don't have any update on my book yet - still waiting for a publication date and a title. I've been working on a book video during the time I was supposed to be writing. I think I have a good idea, but the actual execution is going to need a lot more work. And a title and release date.
I turned 42 this week which, according to Douglas Adams and his Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series, is the answer to the great question of Life, the Universe and Everything. Sadly, I don't feel nearly so enlightened as just older. I'll let you know if that changes.

Spring Break is this week, and it's packed! In addition to the orthodontist visit for Alyssa, Anna has a sleep-over tomorrow night. Then Tuesday I'm taking the girls to Dallas in the evening, using some birthday money to buy dinner, and then we'll head to the mall where they have an Apple Store and a Lego Store.
Wednesday night is Young Women and Activity Days for the girls. Thursday night both girls have been invited to a large backyard campout. Then it's Friday, and the week is over.
I'll let you know if I survive.
Oh, one other thing: I've been asked to participate in a group blog with a bunch of other Cedar Fort authors on the Writing Fortress. I'll be posting the third Monday of every month, and my first post is tomorrow. Check it out at http://cedarfortauthors.blogspot.com/.
That is all.
Kara posted about the pie on FB.
That's a good wife! Happy Birthday.
I'm really anxious to see your book and cover too. It's so cool you're gonna be published! yeah!